4. M3C2 plugin

M3C2 is a standard plugin of cloudComPy.

The availability of the plugin can be tested with the cloudComPy.isPluginM3C2() function:

isM3C2_available = cc.isPluginM3C2()

M3C2 is a submodule of cloudCompy:

import cloudComPy as cc
# ...
if cc.isPluginM3C2():
    import cloudComPy.M3C2
cloudComPy.M3C2.computeM3C2(clouds: list[_cloudComPy.ccHObject], paramFilename: QString, precisionMaps: list[_cloudComPy.ccScalarField] = [], scales: list[float] = []) _cloudComPy.ccPointCloud

Compute Multiscale Model to Model Cloud Comparison (plugin M3C2) The computation parameters are regrouped in a text file: see M3C2guessParamsToFile() or the GUI to get a first version.

To compute the uncertainty with precision maps, 6 scalar fields are required (3 components for first cloud then 3 components for second cloud). Two scales are also required (to take into account different units). When these fields and scales are given, the computation uses the precision maps and supersedes the options in the parameter file.

  • clouds (list) – two or three clouds to compare. If a 3rd cloud is present, it will be used as core points.

  • paramFilename (string) – full path of the parameter file

  • precisionMaps (list,optional) – list of 6 scalar fields (3 components for first cloud then 3 components for second cloud), default empty list

  • scales (list,optional) – list of two doubles (scale for first and second cloud), default empty list


output cloud with computed scalar fields

Return type:


cloudComPy.M3C2.initTrace_M3C2() None

Debug trace must be initialized for each Python module.

Done in module init, following the value of environment variable _CCTRACE_ (“ON” if debug traces wanted)

cloudComPy.M3C2.M3C2guessParamsToFile(arg0: list[_cloudComPy.ccHObject], arg1: QString, arg2: bool) bool

Guess the parameters for compute_M3C2 and save them to a file.

  • clouds (list) – two or three clouds to compare. If a 3rd cloud is present, it will be used as core points.

  • paramFilename (string) – full path of the parameter file

  • fastMode (bool) – True corresponds to the values of the GUI dialog before Guess params button, False corresponds to the values of the GUI dialog after Guess params button.



Return type:
