CloudCompare_2.13.2_arm64 with PythonPlugin (read instructions before install!)

CloudCompare_2.13.2_arm64 with PythonPlugin (read instructions before install!)
File Size:
252.64 MB
07 July 2024

CloudCompare_2.13.2 with PythonPlugin (read instructions before install!)


Built and tested on macOS SONOMA 14.5. Compatible with macOS 12.7 and later.

This application is self contained, signed and notarized. Please post issues on CloudCompare GitHub in case of problem.

On first run, you'll get the following message (no way has yet been found to bypass this warning when Python is integrated and allowed to install packages from the Internet):

You have to cancel and (right click/menu) open:

Then open. It's done!

This version embeds the PythonPlugin from Thomas Montaigu (Warning: this plugin has been developped independently from CloudComPy and the Python scripts are not compatible)

This version also embeds a Python 3.10 environment with numpy.

If you want to install other packages, you have to install a Python 3.10 virtual environment outside the CloudCompare app.

For instance, to create a virtual environment named ccenv in the same directory as CloudCompare:

./ -m venv ccenv --system-site-packages --upgrade-deps

Launch CloudCompare, and from menu plugins / Python Plugin / Show Settings select local and the ccenv directory.

Restart CloudCompare, then install Python packages from menu plugins / Python Plugin / Package manager (for instance, scipy). See the PythonPlugin documentation.


Warning! there's still a problem with the PoissonRecon plugin, which causes random aborts.

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