
The July 5, 2023 CloudComPy Windows10 release is available

The July 5, 2023 version of the Windows 10 Anaconda 3 binary is available here.

WARNING This version requires a conda environment based on Python 3.10.

WARNING Qt 5.15.6 is not compatible with Qt 5.15.4!  Please force Qt 5.15.4 in the following instructions. Specifying Qt 5.15 is not enough...

To create this environment, see the README, use the following instructions.

conda activate
conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda

conda create --name CloudComPy310 python=3.10
   # --- erase previous env if existing

conda activate CloudComPy310
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install "boost=1.74" "cgal=5.4" cmake ffmpeg "gdal=3.5" jupyterlab laszip "matplotlib=3.5" "mysql=8.0" "numpy=1.22" "opencv=4.5" "openmp=8.0" "pcl=1.12" "pdal=2.4" "psutil=5.9" pybind11 "qhull=2020.2" "qt=5.15.4" "scipy=1.8" sphinx_rtd_theme spyder tbb tbb-devel "xerces-c=3.2"

WARNING On Windows, with the binary based on the conda packages, Python 3.10, only the English version of CloudCompare is available,
   the translations are not available: it seems that this is due to a bug in the Qt 5.15.4 version of the conda package.
   We are waiting for the correction of this bug in the packaging.

This version brings the following features:

 - update to CloudCompare master (July 05, 2023)
 - issue #114 - importFile method: extend to all ccHObject types known to CloudComPy
 - issue #116 - in ExtractConnectedComponents, when the actual number of components is larger than the maxNumberComponents parameter, return the truncated result.
 - fix a bug in ExtractConnectedComponents: residual points are not correctly selected (following issue #95)
 - various small fixes.

Corresponding git tag CloudComPy_master_20230705