
The October 26, 2023 CloudCompare and CloudComPy macOS release is available

The October 26, 2023 version of the CloudCompare and  CloudCompy macOS binary is available here.

Experimental: Built and tested on macOS VENTURA 13.4.1. Please post issues on CloudComPy GitHub in case of problem

Please read the installation instructions on GitHub.

CloudCompare works as it is (no specific environment). It is located in CloudComPy310/CloudCompare/CloudCompare.app and can be launched from the Finder.

CloudComPy need a Python 3.10 configuration with at least the following packages, either with conda or not:


You can create an environment for CloudComPy with conda, from the terminal
(here, I chose to activate conda environment on demand: please adapt the instructions to your installation)
The following package list corresponds to the building environment, but you can adjust the list
(at least the above list):

conda activate
conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda

If your environment CloudComPy310 does not exist:

conda create --name CloudComPy310 python=3.10
   # --- erase previous env with the same name if existing

Add or update the packages:

conda activate CloudComPy310
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install "boost" "cgal" cmake draco ffmpeg "gdal" jupyterlab laszip "matplotlib" "mysql=8.0" "numpy" "opencv" "openssl=3.0.8" "pcl" "pdal" "psutil" pybind11 "qhull=2020.2" "qt=5.15.8" "scipy" sphinx_rtd_theme spyder tbb tbb-devel "xerces-c=3.2" xorg-libx11 || error_exit "conda environment ${CONDA_ENV} cannot be completed"

This version brings the following features:

  • update to CloudCompare master (October 26, 2023)
  • (issue #130) bug on the selection of scans to import in a multi-scan e57 file (should use QRegExp::exactMatch)
  • (issue #134) access to normals as a Numpy array
  • fix path related to CloudComPy web site changes, in documentation and tests
  • improve documentation
  • various small fixes.

Please report any problem on github.

Corresponding git tag CloudComPy_master_20231026