
Website updated today (October 23, 2023)!

A major update of Joomla was necessary, as the previous version was no longer maintained.

This update involved many other changes, such as the Joomla template, and the download system.

WARNING: This had very little impact on users. Nevertheless, the paths used to download example files in automatic tests have changed, so if you run ctest with one of the binaries built on or before September 19, 2023, some tests will fail. You'll need to download the example files manually for these tests to work.



Who are we?

OpenFields: Tools for numerical simulation.

OpenFields is a company founded by one of the developers of the open source platform SALOME. The expertise on this tool and more generally on the architecture of scientific computing solutions allows OpenFields to offer a wide range of services and products in numerical simulation, especially in the field of field physics and more particularly on the basis of SALOME and its derived platforms.

The services cover all phases of a scientific computing project, from architectural consulting during design and development to the realization of all or part of the studies.

OpenFields SAS

15 Villa DUTHY 75014 PARIS

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. --- www.openfields.fr

RCS 843 382 037 R.C.S. PARIS


simulation articles

articles related to CloudComPy project