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44.13 MB
20 February 2024

CloudComPy For Linux 64 - Anaconda3, Python 3.10 - February 20, 2024


CloudComPy For Linux 64 - Anaconda3, Python 3.10 - February 20, 2024.

This version is based on CloudCompare 2.13 (official release, February 14, 2024).

WARNING This version requires a conda environment based on Python 3.10.

WARNING Qt 5.15.6 is not compatible with Qt 5.15.4!  Please force Qt 5.15.4 in the following instructions. Specifying Qt 5.15 is not enough...

To create this environment, see the README, use the following instructions.

conda activate
conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda

conda create --name CloudComPy310 python=3.10
   # --- erase previous env if existing

conda activate CloudComPy310
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install "boost=1.74" "cgal=5.4" cmake ffmpeg "gdal=3.5" jupyterlab laszip "matplotlib=3.5" "mysql=8.0" "numpy=1.22" "opencv=4.5" "openmp=8.0" "pcl=1.12" "pdal=2.4" "psutil=5.9" pybind11 "qhull=2020.2" "qt=5.15.4" "scipy=1.8" sphinx_rtd_theme spyder tbb tbb-devel "xerces-c=3.2"

This version brings the following features:

 - update to CloudCompare 2.13 (February 14, 2024): official release.
 - (issue #48) add a polyline constructor taking a list of coordinates in argument (add Z=0 if 2D coordinates)
 - improve documentation on constructors
 - various small fixes.


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