CloudComPy For Windows 10/11 - Anaconda3, Python 3.10 - September 27, 2024. Based on CloudCompare 2.13.2.
This version is based on CloudCompare 2.13.2 (official release, July 8, 2024).
WARNING This version requires a conda environment based on Python 3.10.
To create this environment, see the README, use the following instructions.
conda activate
conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda
conda create -y --name CloudComPy310 python=3.10
# --- erase previous env with the same name if existing
conda activate CloudComPy310
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority flexible
conda install -y "boost=1.84" "cgal=5.6" cmake "draco=1.5" "ffmpeg=6.1" "gdal=3.8" jupyterlab laszip "matplotlib=3.9" "mpir=3.0" "mysql=8" notebook numpy "opencv=4.8" "openmp=8.0" "openssl=3.1" "pcl=1.14" "pdal=2.6" "psutil=6.0" pybind11 quaternion "qhull=2020.2" "qt=5.15.8" scipy sphinx_rtd_theme spyder tbb tbb-devel "xerces-c=3.2"
You may get “SafetyError” and “ClobberError” messages, but this doesn't seem to be a problem.
WARNING On Windows, with the binary based on the conda packages, Python 3.10, only the English version of CloudCompare is available,
the translations are not available: it seems that this is due to a bug in the Qt 5.15.4 version of the conda package.
We are waiting for the correction of this bug in the packaging.
This version brings the following features:
- (issue #176) filterBySFValue does not support Meshes
- (issue #177) Method to increase size of points within a cloud for improving rendering in file
- (issue #179) How to SavePointCloud use ascii format?
- (issue #183) Option to orient normal with custom camera point (see ccPointCloud::orientNormalsTowardViewPoint)
- (issue #184) ICP with Normals
- (issue #188) Docker instruction consistency for build
- (issue #178) Visualisation using CloudComPy in CloudCompare: try to fix the behaviour on macOS
- (issue #189) Fix macOS installation instructions
- some small fixes.