
The June 22, 2022 CloudComPy Linux release is available

The June 22, 2022 version of the Linux64 Anaconda 3 binary is available here.

Please have a look at README for requirements.

This version brings the following features:

  • update to CloudCompare 2.12.3 (june 14, 2022)
  • get the transformation matrix computed by the fast global registration function in PCL Plugin (issue #35), see test038.py
  • compute a scalarField gradient (issue #46), see test003.py
  • add an extra parameter to LoadParameters, to give a regex filter to ply reader, extra scalar fields selection (issue #51), see test040.py
  • fix ccGLMatrix constructor, provide another alternate constructor and method fromString (issue #52), see test026.py
  • build the doc on Windows
  • Various small fixes.

This binary works only on Linux 64, on recent distributions, and with Anaconda3 as described in README, not anywhere else!

This binary requires also libomp.so.5 installed on the system: for ubuntu 

sudo apt-get install libomp5

Only tested un Ubuntu 20.04 (focal), please report any problems on other distributions.

GLIBC version should be 2.29 or more.

Please report any problem on github.

Corresponding git tag CloudComPy_master_20220513.

WARNING: the lastest updates of conda packages are no more compatible with this binary (and older ones): If you have a working conda environment for a recent CloudComPy binary, keep it! In case of problems look at the conda list and compare it with the output of conda list command in the conda CloudCompy39 environment. Major version changes may induce problems.

If you need to create or recreate the CloudCompy39 conda environment please use the following (warning: commands are slightly different between Linux and Windows):

conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda
conda activate
conda create -y --name CloudComPy39 python=3.9
   # --- erase previous env if existing
conda activate CloudComPy39
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install -y "boost=1.72" "cgal=5.0" cmake ffmpeg "gdal=3.3" jupyterlab "matplotlib=3.5" "mysql=8.0" "numpy=1.22" "opencv=4.5.3" "openmp=8.0" "pcl=1.11" "pdal=2.3" "psutil=5.9" "qhull=2019.1" "qt=5.12" "scipy=1.8" sphinx_rtd_theme spyder tbb tbb-devel "xerces-c=3.2"